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A Path to Wellness

Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

Restore • Replenish • Sustain Your Health

Vital Qi Energy

The practice of acupuncture and moxibustion is based on the theory of meridians. According to this theory, chi (vital energy) and blood circulate in the body through a system of channels called meridians, connecting internal organs with external organs or tissues. By stimulating certain points of the body surface reached by meridians through needling or moxibustion, the flow of chi and blood can be regulated and diseases are thus treated. These stimulation points are called acupuncture points, or acupoints.

Acupuncture is an integral part of the rapid growth of complementary medicine in the United States. It has had at least 2,000 years of documented use and continual development in the Far East. Although often described as a means of pain relief, it in fact can treat people with a wide range of illnesses including fertility condition.  

Acupuncture is truly a holistic approach to developing and maintaining life long quality of health.

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Acupuncture Traditional Chinese herbal medicine

My Mantra

In With The Good

My hope for all of my patients is that they’ll find the peace and serenity that I find when I go to work every day. My therapeutic approach is meant to evoke harmony and well-being in each and every one of my clients. I believe in healing and nurturing the mind, body, and soul, and believe that I am the right Acupuncture Physician for you.

Pebble Beach

Every morning you have the opportunity to become a happier version of yourself.
during this challenging time. 

To our Valuated Patients,  Clients and Community

Your health and safety is our top priority. We believe its critical to do our part to help reduce the transmission of

-Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol
-Maintain social distancing (6 ft.)
-Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
-If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care early. 
We invite you to explore other diverse range of holistic care and services.
We have continued to receive many calls and emails inquiring about Feng Shui Virtual Consultation.

Modern and Traditional Feng Shui consultation and design for your home and office 
GET MORE ENERGY... Stay healthy with herbal consultations and varies in office treatments. Fight sickness, injury recovery, improve performance regain relationship. Living a healthy lifestyle takes more than occasional vitamins and exercise. Strengthen your entire immune system with holistic acupuncture and fire-cupping therapies services
2 Convenience Offices located in
Coral Gables/South Miami
West Kendall locations

Experience the best kept secret your neighbors are already enjoying! Be pain free!

Call now or email us to schedule your future appointment for a more healthy and beautiful you!


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You Can Become Pregnant with Acupuncture

Gentle Healing: Fertility and Doula Specialist

As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine at NuOrigin Care, I’ve seen many people suffer from this heart wrenching problem. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can make certain adjustments in your treatments to have a more productive life conceiving. Natural Oriental herbal medicine can decrease problems to conceive and benefit these conditions infertility.

-High levels of FSH

-PCOS or Endometriosis

-A history of Miscarriages

-Ovarian Cysts, Uterine Fibroids, Uterine Scarring

-Low Sperm Count and Motility

-IVF or IUI Procedures

We recommend that you do seek professional diagnosis first to rule out structural or genetic problems as well. At NuOrigin Care, wew provide Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine services (alternative medicine like homeopathy medicine) will aid you and your loved ones a more successful healthy treatment. World Health Organizational (WHO) has done lots of research on its therapeutic effects in many aspects to treat other conditions like migraine, insomnia, painful periods, addictions, facial spasm, obesity, mental disturbances, low back pain, arthritis, stroke, cancer and many more condition that can decrease conceiving a healthy baby.

In Chinese medicine theory, nature is the source of Qi and life cannot exist without Qi. If people do not have enough Qi, they cannot get pregnant. Also the growth of life needs Qi’s movement. In order to have a healthy baby requires sufficient Qi from the patients.

Many people know about Acupuncture, and know it is the way of using FDA sterile fine size needles for treatments. But with guidance of our professional specialists you can do acupressure massage (without needles therapy) in the comfort of your home to boost your treatment whether it’s with TCM or Western medicine. For example Zusanli (ST36) acupressure point is commonly used with or without needles therapy. It is located 3cun below your knee on the anterior lateral side of your leg, tibia bone. Or you can use Moxibustion therapy, an Ancient TCM herbal technique to warm and move Qi flow and promote circulation for a healthy baby in the comfort of your home or professional treatments in the clinic. In clinics, we use it to strengthen the Qi and the blood, which stimulates the pelvic area and uterus lining and stimulates proper menstruation. Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine and Moxibustion not only can help women get pregnant naturally but has been assisting women having IVF. In recent German studies, have increased success rates by almost 60% in women having IVF.

Each individual has different constitution and physique, personality and different kinds of factors that come along. All of these can affect a person’s ability from TCM point of view. To have a successful treatment plan based on individual difference, individual consultation at NuOrigin Care is recommended.

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